发布日期:2011-12-29 文章来源:互联网
当危机进入第二阶段时,委员会除继续在金融救市机会制定初期介入外,还采取进一步行动以调整对反应速度与决策行为日益增长的需求。因此,于2008年10月1日,委员会对竞争委员会专员克鲁斯女士特别授权,令其协同欧委会主席巴罗佐、经济与货币事务委员会专员埃蒙尼亚和欧洲内部市场总署专员麦克里威,在审查“紧急救助方案”中涉及竞争法部分具有特别审查权。[7]此项授权为时三个月,特许委员会在“如有必要在数个小时内”以及“在晚上或者深夜,甚至在公共银行假期内任何一时间”做出决策,以求“果断地处理危机问题。”{10}其结果是在24小时内,委员会审查通过了英国政府挽救Bradford & Bingley抵押银行一揽子方案,确认该救济符合国家救济原则。{11}在随后的8周时间内,大约超过20个国家救济措施被通过实施。
在企业合并控制领域,克鲁斯专员也重申她乐于“继续使用现有条款,”包括“在合适的情况下,使用‘垂危企业抗辩’”。{12}与金融危机有直接关系的委员会对企业合并控制行为十分有限,目前并没有关于“垂危企业抗辩”理论被使用的案件报道。尽管如此,委员会在企业合并控制中恪守承诺,甚至在豁免条件的适用中严格遵照现有竞争法,这与一些成员国在危急中采取竞争法重实效性做法形成明显对比,在这些成员国中,英国尤为典型。在政府干涉的Lloyds收购HBOS案中,英国竞争法执行机构—竞争委员会(Competition Commission)认为该案存在“有关合并情况”,并因此要求对这次收购采取进一步竞争调查,而英国政府则提出特别法案,要求如竞争委员会所调查合并案件中涉及“稳定英国金融体系”与国家安全的因素,应当豁免。2008年10月24日,该特别法案得以通过并开始实施。[11]2008年10月31日,英国负责商务的国务秘书(the Secretary of State for Business)援引此法案,认为竞争委员会无权对Lloyds收购HBOS进行市场竞争审查。[12]
达米安·杰勒德(Damien Gerard)(1967- ),男,比利时人,比利时鲁汶大学欧洲法教授、研究员,法国巴黎第五大学客座讲师;比利时鲁汶大学法学院,比利时佛拉芒。
[1]See, e.g., the inflow in customers and deposits that followed the nationalization of UK bank Northern Rock, just weeks after it suffered from an impressive bank run in September 2007, which signaled the contamination of Europe by the subprime crisis.
[2]Note that a third phase is now emerging following the contamination of the crisis to the real economy. An important concern is now the need to keep a stable flow of credit to the economy, which may require providing capital incentives to fundamentally sound banks while avoiding abuses in the use of public funding. The Commission has addressed that issue in a new communication of December 5, 2008: Communication from the Commission-The recapitalization of financial institutions in the current financial crisis: limitation of aid to the minimum necessary and safeguards against undue distortions of competition, C (2008) 8259 final.
[3]See, e.g., Commission Decision of October 10, 2008 in Case NN 51/2008-Denmark/Guarantee scheme for banks in Denmark, C(2008)6034, P.40 and Commission Decision of October 13, 2008 in Case N 507/2008-UK/Financial support measures to the banking industry in the UK, C(2008)6058, P.44.
[4]For a comprehensive list of the decisions adopted since October 2008 pursuant to Article 87(3) (b) EC, see //ec.europa.eu/competition/sectors/financial_services/financial_crisis_news_en.html.
[5]In a nutshell, Article 87(3)(b) EC, compared to State Aid rules for rescuing and restructuring firms in difficulty adopted pursuant to Article 87(3)(c) EC, offers additional flexibility as to the nature of acceptable aids (e.g., structural interventions), the duration thereof (i.e., going beyond 6 months) and, particularly, the absence of structural compensatory measures.
[6]See, e.g., Case NN 70/2007-UK/Northern Rock, decided on December 5, 2007 following a notification filed on November 26, 2007 but with background information already provided to the Commission on September 28 and October 14, 2007.
[7]Minutes of the 1845th meeting of the Commission, October 1, 2008, PV(2008) 1845 final, P.10.4; Communication from the President in agreement with Ms Kroes-Temporary empowerment, SEC(2008) 2575/2. The authorization of "emergency rescue measures" includes: (i) decisions finding that rescue measure does not constitute aid pursuant to Article 4(2) of Regulation 659/1999; (ii) decisions not to raise objections against a notified aid pursuant to Article 4(3) of Regulation 659/1999; and (iii) decisions not to raise objections against a non notified (so-called "unlawful") aid pursuant to Articles 13(1) and 4(3) of Regulation 659/1999.
[8]See, e.g., WestLB riskshield/Germany case,P.41; Sachsen LB, P.94. See also Joined Cases T-132 and 143/96, Freistaat Sachsen and Volkswagen AG/Commission [1999] ECR II-3663, P.167.
[9]Communication from the Commission-Community Guidelines on State Aid for Rescuing and Restructuring Firms in Difficulty, cited above, note 11, in particular P.24(a), footnote 3.
[10]Quigley and A. M. Collins, in their leading treati See, e.g., Commission Decision of October 10, se on EC State aid law (Hart, Oxford, 2003) refer to aid granted by several Member States in the mid-1970s to protect employment during recession and to the privatization of hundreds of Greek firms and public-sector banks as part of a national economic recovery plan in the early 1990s (P.86).
[11]See "The Enterprise Act 2002 (Specification of Additional Section 58 Consideration) Order 2008", available at //www.opsi.gov.uk/si/si2008/uksi_20082645_en_1#f00001 (last visited on December 1, 2008).
[12]Decision by Lord Mandelson, the Secretary of State for Business, not to refer to the Competition Commission the merger between Lloyds TSB Group plc and HBOS plc under Section 45 of the Enterprise Act 2002, October 31, 2008 (available at //www.berr.gov.uk/files/file48745.pdf, last checked on December 1, 2008). The decision has been appealed by a group of account holders, bank employees, and business people calling themselves the "Merger Action Group" (see the submission available at //www.mergeractiongroup.org.uk/, last visited December 2, 2008).
[13]Communication from the Commission-The application of State aid rules to measures taken in relation to financial institutions in the context of the current global financial crisis, cited above, note 25,P.16. Compliance with that criterion was at the core of discussions between the Commission and Ireland during the review of the general guarantee scheme for banks in Ireland (Commission Decision of October 13, 2008 in Case NN 48/2008-Ireland/Guarantee scheme for banks in Ireland, C(2008)6059).
[14]Generally, fees are based on market benchmarks comprising various elements including a measure of institution-specific risk and a fixed mark-up designed to compensate the State. In that respect, the European Central Bank issued on October 20, 2008 Recommendations on government guarantees on bank debt, which have, since then, often been referred to by Member States.
[15]The level of remuneration payable to the State was at the core of discussions between the Commission and the French government in relation to a capital-injection scheme for banks designed to stabilize financial markets and incentivize French banks to increase lending to the real economy (see Commission press-release IP/08/1900 of December 8, 2008: State aid: Commission authorizes French scheme to inject capital into certain banks).
[16]Communication from the Commission-The application of State aid rules to measures taken in relation to financial institutions in the context of the current global financial crisis, cited above, note 25, P.26-27.
[17]The U.K. Bank Recapitalization Scheme imposes, among other items, that no cash bonuses be paid to Directors for the current year's performance, appointing new independent directors, making commitments to maintain the availability and active marketing of competitively priced lending to homeowners and to small business, and supporting schemes to help people struggling with mortgage payments to stay in their homes (UK, 12). The German scheme includes similar behavioral constraints (e.g., with respect to executives' remuneration and bonuses) and conditions the distribution of dividends to shareholders with the sale of the Recapitalization Fund's shares to a third party or the repurchase thereof (Commission Decision of October 27, 2008 in Case N 512/2008-Germany/Rescue package for credit institutions in Germany, C(2008)6422, 14 and 57). The French capital-injection scheme also requires beneficiary banks to adopt measures concerning the remuneration of senior management and market operators (including traders) and limiting severance packages for executives (see Commission press-release IP/08/1900 of December 8, 2008: State aid: Commission authorizes French scheme to inject capital into certain banks).
{1}N. Kroes, Competition policy and the financial/banking crisis: taking action, //ec.europa.eu/commission_barroso/kroes/financial_crisis_en.html, 2008.
{2}State aid: Commission approves German rescue aid package for Hypo Real Estate Holding AG, Commission press-release, October 2, 2008.
{3}N. Kroes, Dealing with the current financial crisis, address to the Economic and Monetary Affairs, Committee, European Parliament, Brussels, October 6, 2008.
{4}Jonathan R. Macey, Symposium: Derivatives Instruments: Lessons for the Regulatory State, Journal of Corporation Law (Fall, 1995).
{5}State aid: Commissioner Kroes briefs Economic and Finance Ministers on financial crisis measures, Commission press-release, December 2, 2008.
{6}Conclusions of the ECOFIN Council held in Luxembourg on October 7, 2008.
{7}Declaration on a concerted European action plan of the euro area countries, October 10, 2008, //www.ue2008.fr; European Council of October 15 and 16, 2008, Presidency Conclusions.
{8}European Council of October 15 and 16, 2008, Presidency Conclusions (doc.14368/08), P.5.
{9}Communication from the Commission-Community Guidelines on State Aid for Rescuing and Restructuring Firms in Difficulty, O.J., 2004, C 244/2.
{10}Communication from the President in agreement with Ms Kroes-Temporary empowerment, SEC(2008) 2575/2.
{11}Commission press-release IP/08/1437 of October 1, 2008: "State aid: Commission approves UK rescue aid package for Bradford & Bingley".
{12}Communication from the Commission-The application of State aid rules to measures taken in relation to financial institutions in the context of the current global financial crisis, O.J., 2008, C 270/2.
{13}Commission press-release MEMO/08/757 of December 2, 2008: State aid: Commissioner Kroes briefs Economic and Finance Ministers on financial crisis measures.