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外国留学生及其亲属申请签证和居留许可须知(中/英) (南京)

发布日期:2008-06-24    文章来源: 互联网






1.                         本人有效普通护照及签证,未持普通护照因在宁学习申请居留许可,应当换持普通护照后再申请居留许可;

2.                         临时住宿登记证明;

3.                         填写《外国人签证、居留许可申请表》,粘贴一张近期二寸半身正面免冠照片;

4.                         就读院校注明学习期限的公函和《录取通知书》;

5.                         江苏省国际旅行卫生保健中心出具的《境外人员体格检查记录验证证明》原件(年满18周岁首次申请1年以上有效期居留许可者提供);

6.                         L、F签证入境因学习申请居留许可,须提供就读院校的《录取通知书》、JW201表或者JW202表和注明学习期限的公函;





1.                         本人有效普通护照及签证的原件和复印件;

2.                         临时住宿登记证明;

3.                         留学生就读院校公函及留学生护照或者居留许可原件及复印件;

4.                         外籍配偶还须提供婚姻证明;外籍子女还须提供亲属关系证明;

5.                         监护人还须提供留学生父母的委托书;





1.                         因丢失护照领取新护照者,须提供公安机关出入境管理部门出具的护照报失证明或者外国驻华使馆、领馆照会;

2.                         因护照即将到期或者签证页用完等情况领取新护照者,须提供本次入境时所持护照;

3.                         在中国境内出生、单独持有护照的外籍婴儿,须提供外籍婴儿的出生证明及父母双方的护照复印件。



1.                         居留许可持有人的居留事由护照号码、偕行人等情况发生变化的,须在10日内向市公安局出入境管理处申请新的居留许可。

2.                         居留许可持有人的住址、就读院校等情况发生变化的,须在10日内向市公安局出入境管理处申请变更。

3.                         持有居留许可的外国人,可以在居留许可有效期内在华居留,也可以多次出入中国国境。

4.                         外国人申请签证、居留许可,必须按照中国政府主管部门的有关规定缴纳费用。

5.                         上述可以申请签证、居留许可的有效期及签证的入境次数,应以公安机关出入境管理部门最终批准的结果为准。

6.                         持用居留事由为“学习”的居留许可的外国人不得在华任职或就业。对在中国非法居(停)留或具有其它违法行为的外国人或责任人,公安机关将依法予以处罚。

7.                         公安机关出入境管理部门有权依法拒发外国人签证、证件,对已发出的签证、证件有权吊销或宣布作废。

8.                         受理、审批、签发签证、证件需5个工作日。





Notice to foreign Students and Their Relatives

Applying for Visas and Residence Permits


Ⅰ.  Applying for Residence Permits

Foreign students coming to Nanjing to study should enter China with X-visas. They should come to Nanjing Exit-and-Entry Administration Division of Public Security Bureau to apply for residence permits within 30 days after they enter China. They may apply for a staying period that is as long as their studying period in Nanjing. If the studying period specified on the official letters of the host institution is different from that specified on the Admission Notices issued to the foreign student, the host institution’s final notice should be regarded as the most updated one.

Foreign students applying for residence permits should answer related questions if asked, and present the following documents

1.        Your original and valid regular passport and visa. If you don’t have a regular    passport while studying in Nanjing,  you should apply for residence permits after you obtain a regular passport;

2.        Temporary Residence Registration Certificate;

3.        Properly-completed Foreigner Visa and Residence Permit Application Form with a photograph affixed to the form. The photograph should be:

l            two inches in size

l            taken recently, showing current appearance

l            show full face and front view with a plain white or off-white background

l            taken in normal street attire (do not wear a hat or headgear that obscures the hair or hairline);

4.        Official letters and Admission Notices issued by your host institution. The letters and Admission Notices should specify your studying period;

5.        If you are above the age of 18 and this is the first time for you to apply for the residence permit that is valid for more than one year, you should provide  original Certificate of Health Examination Report for Foreigners issued by  Healthcare Center of Jiangsu International Travel;

6.        If you entered China with a L-visa or F-visa and you are applying for residence permit because you are studying, you should provide Admission Notices issued by your host institution, JW201 form or JW202 form, as well as official letters that specify your studying period.


Ⅱ.  Applying for Visa

Foreign students’ spouses with foreign nationalities, foreign students’ children under the age of 18, and parents or guardians abroad of those foreign students who are under the age of 18 can apply for zero-entry, single-entry, double-entry or multi-entry L-visas that are valid for six months or valid for one year. They can apply as many times as they prefer, however, the valid period of their visas should not exceed the valid period for foreign students’ visas or residence permits.

Applicants should answer related questions if asked and provide the following documents:

1.            Applicant’s original and valid regular passport and L-visa, as well as copies of the applicant’s passport and visa;

2.            Temporary Residence Registration Certificate;

3.            Official letters issued by the host institution of the foreign student, and the original and the copies of the foreign student’s passport or residence permit;

4.            Spouses of foreign nationalities should provide marriage certificates. Children of foreign nationalities should provide kinship certificates;

5.            Guardians should provide certificates of entrustment of the foreign student’s parents.

Note: Documents issued to applicants previously by institutions abroad must be authenticated by Chinese embassies or consulates abroad.


Ⅲ. Reapplying for Visa or Residence Permits

In addition to the above-mentioned required documents, applicants holding new passports and re-applying for visas or residence permits should also provide the following documents:

1.        If you hold a new passport because your previous passport was lost, stolen, or damaged, you should provide certificates of passport loss report issued by the departments in charge of administration of exit and entry under the public security organs or provide documents issued by relevant foreign embassies and consulates in China;

2.        If you hold a new passport because your previous passport was expired or your visa pages had run out, you must provide the previous passport that you used when you entered China;

3.        For foreign infants born in China and holding separate passports, their parents should provide original birth certificates of the infants and copies of the parents’ passports.



1.        If there are any changes in the residence permit holder’s purpose of staying, passport number, or the number of accompanying persons, the residence permit holder must come to Nanjing Exit-and-Entry Administration Division of Public Security Bureau within 10 days to apply for a new residence permit.

2.        If there are any changes in the residence permit holder’s address, host institution, etc, the residence permit holder must come to Nanjing Exit-and-Entry Administration Division of Public Security Bureau within 10 days to apply for the changes.

3.        Foreigners holding Residence Permits can reside in China within the valid staying period. They can also enter and exit China as many times as they prefer.

4.        Foreigners applying for visas or residence permits must pay application fee in accordance with the relevant regulations of competent organs of Chinese government.

5.        Applicants’ valid residence period and the total entry times of their visas should be based on the result of approval by the departments in charge of administration of exit an entry under public security organs.

6.        Those foreigners who used “study” as their reason of residence while applying for a residence permit are forbidden to work. The public security organs will impose punishment in accordance with law on those foreigners or responsible persons who unlawfully reside or stay in China or break law in China.

7.        The departments in charge of administration of exit and entry under pubic security organs have the right to refuse to issue visas or documents to foreigners in accordance with law, and to revoke the issued visas and documents or declare null and void.

8.        The normal processing time, including accepting application, examination, approval and issue of visas or documents, is five business days.



    Nanjing Exit-and-Entry Administration Division

of public Security Bureau

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